How to Beat the Winter Blues

February 07, 2019

The winter can have an affect on our emotions.  It is dark out side much earlier everyday, it is cold so going outside is uncomfortable, everything starts feeling a bit monotonous and boring.  Over 3 million people every year suffer from cases of the winter blues.

Here are some tips on how to shake those pesky low feelings in the winter months!

1.  Pamper yourself.  

There are so many ways to pamper yourself that are easy and will refresh you.  Grab a pedicure, try a jade roller and create a new nightly ritual, splurge on an expensive new bubble bath (Lush has some delicious options),  even a $6 Sephora face mask can refresh you.  Taking care of yourself is always important, but it becomes especially important when you are feeling down.

2.  Plan a Pretend Trip.  

Maybe the funds are not available for you to plan an actual winter getaway.  That's ok.  Plan a couple getaways  that you would theoretically enjoy going on. Who is to say you won't be able to down the road.  Plan a trip that you would love to take in the winter.  I am talking about actually checking airfare, choosing a hotel, planning activities.  Just daydreaming about going somewhere actually can release endorphins and who knows you may actually be able to take that trip someday.  There is power in visualization, so put it out there!

3.  Plan an Actual Trip. 

 There are tons of super beautiful warm places to escape to in the winter.  May I suggest The Cayman Islands?  If going to a tropical location is too much for you, find somewhere a bit closer.  A ski getaway with friends would be a great way to shake up the monotony of the winter days.

4.  Work your Body. 

 It is proven that moving your body and getting a good workout helps mood.  It is often hard to find the motivation when you are feeling down, but knowing that having an improved mood after wards might be enough.  I promise you, if you workout, you will be rewarded with a brighter mood after wards.

5.  Organize.  

Often in the winter we get bored and frustrated because all of our Christmas decorations come down and there simply is not anything exciting in the future to look forward to around the house.  What a perfect opportunity to tackle some areas of your house that annoy you?  You don't have any big holidays coming up that you will need to decorate for, so head to your pantry, or your closet and start making the space feel like something you love.  There are gobs of inspiration posts on Pinterest.  On Instagram I follow some great organizing sites that post gorgeous photos of organized spaces that definitely inspire.

6.  Shift Your Thoughts.  

I know this is often easier said than done, but at the risk of sounding cliche, I am going to say "Look at the Bright Side".  Yes, yes, when you are down this isn't always so easy.  To get there, read an inspirational book, or a documentary that will speak to you.  A few books to think about are You are a Badass by Jen Sincero, The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz or The Power of Now by Eckart Tolle, The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  These books are sure to shake up your mental funk!

7.  Get Outside.

In the winter, this doesn't always sound enticing.  I promise, some fresh air will help!  Find a winter activity that you can wrap your head around.  Skiing, Snowshoeing and Ice Skating are all great super fun winter activities.  If those sound like way to much effort in regards to planning just go sledding with your kiddos.  Grab a $5 sled from Walmart and head to your local hill.  Or just go play outside.  The fresh air and the sunshine (what sunshine there is), will make you feel refreshed.

8. Fake it til you Make it.  

This may sound a bit contrived, but trust me there is truth in this statement.  Put on a smile, do the things that happy people do.  Eventually, it will start to sink and and you will start to actually feel happy.  

I hope this helps you shake those winter blues and enjoy these last dull days of the season.  And remember, the ground hog predicted an early spring for 2019 so sunnier days are on the way!


Of course, if you are feeling low enough, I must say please talk to a professional and seek help if these tips don't shake you up.  Seasonal depression is an actual thing that can become dangerous if not addressed.  

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